R&D project FERTIMANURE – Supporting innovative nutrient recovery
FARTIMANURE is a Horizon 2020 project dedicated to the “innovative nutrient recovery from secondary sources – Production of high-added value FERTilisers from animal MANURE”
FERTIMANURE develops, integrates, tests and validates innovative Nutrient Management Strategies to efficiently recover mineral nutrients and other relevant products with agronomic value from animal manure. The project aims to achieve a zero-waste manure management approach and obtain reliable and safe fertilisers able to compete in the European fertiliser market.
The FERTIMANURE project comprises 20 partners from 7 EU countries, Argentina and Chile, including universities, research centres, cluster organisations, public bodies, SMEs, and NGOs.
Fertilizers Europe is one of the partners of the project. Fertilizers Europe and its members recognise the importance of circularity in European agriculture. By being part of the FERTIMANURE consortium, Fertilizers Europe jointed efforts with other relevant stakeholder to work together on innovative nutrient management solutions to efficiently recover and reuse nutrients and other products with agronomic value from manure.
Why do we need fertilizers?
Fertilizers, both organic and mineral, are an essential part of crop nutrition.
Crop growth requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and a balanced supply of the primary and secondary nutrients and micronutrients. The water and nutrients are absorbed from the soil via the plant’s root system to allow it to develop to its full potential.
Nutrients are removed from the soil with every harvest. Unless the nutrients are replenished, the soil’s productive capacity declines. Natural processes that break down organic matter and crop residues provide about half the crops’ nutrient requirements. Mineral fertilizers are needed to balance and supplement organic sources in order to give plants the optimal growing conditions.