Forum on Fertilizers and Nutrients for Growth
The fifth Forum on Fertilizers and Nutrients for Growth event took place on October 19th in the European Parliament, hosted by MEP Peter Jahr and MEP Julie Girling. This year's forum focused on the new fertilizer Regulation and ETS: Effort sharing in agriculture.
The Forum's main objective is to unite European agriculture professionals with industry professionals and create a platform for debate and thought exchange on some of the most important policy issues facing the European agriculture sector. This year's two main topics focused on the New Fertilizer Regulation, the agriculture of climate change, and the potential of effort sharing in agriculture. The discussions encouraged informal dialogue for politicians, civil-servants, scientists and stakeholders on actions needed to be taken for the benefit of the agriculture and fertilizer industry.
The featured speakers included MEP Peter Jahr, Thomas Mannheim (Head of Global R&D Premium Products at EuroChem), Udo Hemmerling (deputy Secretary-General of the German Farmers’ Association (DBV), Hans Bergman (Head of Unit at DG CLIMA) and Joachim Lammel (VP R&D Global Initiatives) from Yara. Fertilizer industry executives Thomas Mannheim and Joachim Lammel demonstrated the practical implications that policy has on international agriculture businesses, while association representative Udo Hemmerling (DBV) and European Commission's representative Hans Bergman clarified the potential of policy with regards to these issues.
The event was very well attended, as expected, once again demonstrating the immense importance of continued dialogue on the New Fertilizer Regulation and opportunities in ETS. All supplementary material is free for download via the link provided below. We look forward to future events and discussions on these topics.
Read The Parliament Magazine's coverage of the event via this link.